Dansette Record Players for sale - Dansette & Radiogram Restoration - Dansette Products & Spares
Dansette Record Players for sale - Dansette & Radiogram Restoration - Dansette Products & Spares
All connected up Bob and sounds amazing now paired to my Bose speaker. Unbelievable really. What a great invention !
Many thanks
Paul. M September 2021
Introducing the new Bridgit Box ‘COMPACT’
Thanks to Tutti Audio your vintage Dansette has just become more capable and versatile than you ever dreamt possible.
Yes, for under £160, you can now wirelessly stream your cherished Dansette or vintage record player to any Bluetooth speaker, headphones or music system for unbelievable Hi-Fi quality sound and bags of volume, when and wherever you want it! Enjoy Dansette music in the garden or around the house – truly amaze your party guests!
Besides playing music wirelessly via Bluetooth, you can connect your Dansette up to other equipment using a cable. Don’t worry, it doesn’t change the characteristics of your Dansette in any way, so you can still use it as originally intended.
Designed and hand built by Bob Amos ofTutti Audio this little box of tricks is so good it’s simply ingenious. You’re just a click away from being truly amazed or your money back.
Amazing but true. Our Bridgit Box also enables you to interface your Dansette record player to a 'Digitiser' for recording your record collection onto a USB stick or SD memory card in MP3 file format. How cool is that!
It comes with everything you need...
Thanks to Tutti Audio's revolutionary Bridgit Box you can now for the very first time record vinyl and old shellac 78's played on your Dansette direct to digital MP3 file format.
Dansettes are the most sought after portable record players of their generation. Endearing mid-century styling, vibrant hues and a unique warm sound spoil the senses of many, evoking memories like no other player of its generation. Further fuelled by a strong resurgence in the popularity of vinyl, We are experiencing a Dansette revival on a dramatic scale.
The hitherto untried idea of interfacing these vintage gems to the modernity of Hi-Fi and wireless connectivity seemed to me a natural progression. I wanted a simple solution, not wanting to detract in any way from their evocative sound and charm.
Bridgit Box COMPACT is an exciting plug and play add-on that radically extends the enjoyment, versatility and usefulness of your cherished Dansette without altering its inherent performance characteristics. The outcome has exceeded my wildest expectations. Not withstanding the practical benefits, it’s hard to convey in words alone the performance uplift attainable. Put simply, it just has to be heard.
The inherently high output impedance and signal voltages of crystal and ceramic pick-up cartridges are completely different from the magnetic devices used in modern day turntable equipment. They are however, essential to drive the fairly simple single and two stage, low power valve amplifier designs found in vintage record players, including Dansettes.
Whilst it’s fairly straightforward to mix and match modern day separates using wired or wireless connectivity, up to now it’s not been possible to hook your Dansette up in this manner.
Bridgit Box overcomes this problem by providing a suitable interface buffer to the modern electronics world, opening up a whole range of extended listening pleasures and options.
When desired, you can now stream your Dansette to any wireless Bluetooth™ loudspeaker or music system for superb quality sound and much greater volume levels.
Similarly, the Bridgit Box COMPACT also provides a suitable line-out interface for wired connection to your HiFi amplifier or music system with equal benefits.
The Bridgit Box COMPACT simply connects via the tape socket available on certain Dansette models. Models without a tape facility require a simple modification.
Fully compatible Dansette models – just plug in and play...
Bermuda, Conquest Auto (early models without rear tape connector will require a small mod), HiFi, Imperial, Monarch & Trent
Compatible Dansette models requiring a small modification...
A35 Stereophonic, Celebrity , Challenge, Conquest Auto (early models), Junior Deluxe, Major, Major Deluxe, RG31 Radiogram, Senator & Tempo
Incompatible Dansette Models – do not use !
Capri, Conquest MK1 (non auto), Junior, Popular, Transit & Viva
Can’t see your model or need more information? Please contact Tutti Audio.
From November 2016, all Dansettes sold and restored by Tutti Audio will come with a suitable Bridgit Interface connector.
Interface retrofit kit + instructions can be obtained from us but please call or message first for clarification.
Important safety note:
Any modification required to your record player must be carried out by a competent electronics engineer.
It's crammed full of great images, products, ideas and information for the design conscious music lover. Enjoy...